Natural Casings Collagen Casings Fibrous CasingsMeat Bags > Hank-Salted Natural-32 mm to 35 mm-Hog casings-Will Stuff Aprox. 110 Lb Sausage
Hank-Salted Natural-32 mm to 35 mm-Hog casings-Will Stuff Aprox. 110 Lb Sausage

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Orig. Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $34.99
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: Natural-32-35-mm-Hank-Hog-Casings

Natural Hog casings stuff all types of pork sausage (Italian, Polish, Southern, etc.) from fresh to smoked. They range in size from 32 mm to 35 mm (Bratwurst). Each Bundle of hog casings stuffs about 110 lbs.

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