Biro Meat Grinder Parts Knives, Plates, Rings, Wrench's, Knife Drive Pin, Worm Assembly's > Biro #52 Head Grinder Raised Edge Resharpenable Grinder Knife We Recommend These USA Made Raised Edge Resharpenable Blades For All of The Biro Grinders
Biro #52 Head Grinder Raised Edge  Resharpenable Grinder Knife  We Recommend These USA Made Raised Edge Resharpenable Blades For All of The Biro Grinders

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Orig. Price: $89.99
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Prod. Code: Biro #52 Head Grinder Raised Edge Resharpenable G

Biro #52 Head Grinder Raised Edge  Resharpenable Grinder Knife

We Recommend These USA Made Raised Edge Resharpenable Blades For All of The Biro Grinders



Everlasting knives are the longest wearing solid knife available today. Speco's Everlasting knives outwear regular drop-forged or snap-in knives many times over. These knives have a very high wear-resistant cutting edge fused 

solidly to a drop-forged frame and can be resharpened. Everlasting knives are the longest wearing solid knife available today. Speco's Everlasting knives outwear regular drop-forged or snap-in knives many times over. These knives have a very high wear-resistant cutting edge fused 

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